How to Set a Watering Schedule

No matter what types of plants you have in your commercial landscape design, you’ll need to give them plenty of water if you want them to thrive. This is especially true for your grassy areas. Without regular watering, your grass will wither, and you’ll be left with an underperforming, unimpactful exterior that won’t make your customers feel welcome. While the exact schedule you’ll need to follow will depend on your location and the amount of sun your grass sees each day, there are a few rules you’ll want to follow when you’re establishing a good schedule. Here’s what you need to know.

The Time of Day Matters
Most businesses will need to water their grass either early in the morning or late in the evening. This helps reduce the risk of inconveniencing your clients and customers by forcing them to dodge the spray of your sprinklers. But it also does far more than that. 

As a high-elevation location, Denver sees some very intense periods of sunshine each day. That sun can quickly cause the water your sprinklers put out to evaporate before it can hit the ground and soak into the soil. By watering early in the morning or late in the evening, you’ll be able to do it before the sun is high in the sky. That means more of the water your sprinklers put out will soak into the soil every time.

Some Grasses Need More Water Than Others
The type of grass your lawn is comprised of will influence the amount of water you need to provide and how often you’ll need to water. For example, ornamental grasses and native varieties tend to need less water, less often. Some business owners may be able to water their grass once or twice a week if they’re working with mostly native species. However, if you’re working with lush, thick-bladed grass, you’ll need to water more often. 

That said, most grasses used in commercial landscaping in the greater Denver area will need about 1.25 inches of water each week to stay green and healthy. If you’re not sure how much water your grass needs, consult with your commercial landscaping team.

You’ll Need to Pay Attention to City Restrictions
Ultimately, the amount of water you can use to keep your grass looking great will depend on overall conditions in the area. If Denver is in a severe drought, it’s normal for the city to impose watering restrictions. This can change your watering schedule significantly and may decrease the water your grass gets each week.

As you water your grass during the summer months, pay attention to any watering restrictions that may be in place. If you don’t alter your watering schedule to fit those restrictions, you may have to pay a fine.

Let an Expert Help
If you’re unsure of when to water your grass or how often you need to water to get the best growth, don’t leave it to chance. Contact Nationwide Landworks today and schedule a consultation with our experienced team. We can help whether you need routine landscaping maintenance or want an entirely new irrigation system installed to take the guesswork out of your watering routine. 
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