Why You Should Plant Ornamental Grasses at Your Business

When it comes to choosing plants for your commercial landscaping, finding ones that are low maintenance and easy to care for are often a priority. But low-maintenance plants don’t have to look basic or bland. They can add texture and color to your property just as effectively as the most abundantly flowering bushes. 

One of the most popular low-maintenance plants in the greater Denver area is, hands down, ornamental grass. Here’s why you should consider incorporating these types of grass into your commercial landscape design

It’s Easy to Care For
Once ornamental grass is planted, it establishes itself in your planters quickly. And once it’s established, the grass will grow without much oversight and care. All you have to do is water it regularly. 

Even better, ornamental grasses are meant to grow tall. It’s why they’re a great addition to garden beds and planters and aren’t used as ground cover in lawn areas. You won’t have to mow, trim, or prune your ornamental grass very often unless you want to control the height in certain areas.

There Are Many Different Varieties
Ornamental grass can work in different types of landscaping without issue because there are so many varieties widely available. If your property gets tons of sunshine, you can plant a species that prefers full sun. If your property is mostly shaded, you’ll have several shade-tolerant species to choose from. 

Even better, those varieties have different characteristics and colors. You’ll be able to create the look and feel you want throughout your design.

It’s Hardy and Can Tolerate Winter Conditions
One of the biggest challenges business owners face when picking plants is finding ones that will look great even during the coldest parts of the winter. Though many plants will come back in spring, they tend to look scraggly at best during the winter months. 

Ornamental grasses may go dormant, but they still look great when the ground is covered in snow. Even better, they’ll bounce back during the growing season without forcing you to replant new starters in the spring.

It Requires Minimal Water
Colorado may have periods of heavy rain and moisture, but that doesn’t mean droughts aren’t a real concern. When droughts are severe enough, the city can and will put watering restrictions in place, and these restrictions can leave many plants in your landscaping struggling to produce new growth. 

Ornamental grasses require minimal water to thrive. This makes them some of the most drought-tolerant plants you can add to your landscaping. Most species will continue to grow throughout the summer, even during periods of intense water restrictions.

Breathe New Life Into Your Landscaping
Ornamental grasses are a great addition to any commercial landscape design. They can be used to add texture, create boundaries between different landscaping zones, and even frame out decorative signs and hardscaping elements. But picking the right ornamental grasses on your own can feel overwhelming. If you’re trying to create impactful landscaping for your business, don’t try to design your space on your own. Contact the experts at Nationwide Landworks today and schedule a consultation.
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