How to Manage Winter Storms at Your Business

Severe winter storms can seemingly pop up out of nowhere. When they do, they may end up halting your normal business operations until the storm passes. Though keeping an eye on the weather forecast during the late fall and winter is always a good idea, there are a few things you can and should do to manage those storms and reduce the risk of interruptions to your business. Here are a few tips to help you get your business ready.

Communicate With Your Employees
The key to reducing the number of disruptions you experience at your business during severe weather is to stay in close communication with your employees. Encourage them to notify you of conditions as the storm moves in and consider enlisting their help in deciding if the business should close early.

Remember, it’s far better to lose a few sales than it is to put your employees’ and your customers’ safety at risk by keeping your doors open during the storm.

Stock up On Ice Melt Now
Having ice collecting on your walkways and in your parking lot is a huge liability risk for your business. Unfortunately, ice can build up quickly during periods of inclement weather and that means you’ll need to stay on top of ice removal throughout the day even if you have a snow removal company on hand to clear your parking lot and sidewalks once the snow builds up. If you haven’t already, stock up on ice melt now. 

Though you may be able to find ice melt at local retailers, it tends to sell out fast when major storms are in the forecast. The last thing you want to do is run out of ice melt when you need it most.

Find a Reliable Snow-Removal Company
Clearing large parking lots can be difficult if all you have access to is a shovel and a snow thrower. And the more time you spend clearing your parking lot, the less time you’ll be able to spend working or helping your customers. By working with a snow removal company, you’ll spare yourself the hassle and stress of trying to clear your property in time for customers to visit your business.

Have a Plan for Power Outages
Power outages are relatively rare in the Denver metro area, but when they happen, they can disrupt the flow of your business, even if they last for just a few minutes. Try to come up with a plan for handling those outages. If you rely on point-of-sale systems, consider having manual credit card swiping machines as a backup. If you have sensitive equipment that takes hours to boot back up, consider installing a backup generator.  Consider how outages impact your business and look for solutions to solve those issues.

Having a Winter Storm Plan Is Key
Preparing for winter storms ahead of time is the best way to reduce disruptions at your business and can help you keep your employees and your customers safer while on your property. If you’re not sure where to start, prioritize having a snow removal plan in place. At Nationwide Landworks, our team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
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